Friday, September 7, 2007

Library 2.0:Explained & Explored

Introducing Library 2.0
"Library 2.0"has emerged as a model for library service. It is essentially a way of thinking; a paradigm to describe the range of applications made possible through "Web 2.0" technologies, and how these applications can best serve the library community today and into the future.

It is important to recognise that Library 2.0 concepts refer specifically to online library services, however as shown in the past, technological innovation has impacted upon traditional practices across all areas of the library, and we should expect the same to continue as new opportunities for better user services arise. Library 2.0 thinking should be applied to complement and extend the traditional library services now available.

The concept should be seen as a way to interact with existing library clients as well as an opportunity to attract new users through cooperation with other web services and applications both large and small- capitalising on the powerful long tail effect (O'Reilly, 2005).

Key elements of Library 2.0
Libraries have always aimed to serve the community in which they exist. Under a model for Library 2.0 this function will continue to be of primary importance; although each library will have its own manifestation of the model according to their needs. It is the service delivery method which differs under Library 2.0. Rather than acting as an information storehouse, and providing a variety of ways to access that information, libraries will offer users the opportunity to take control of their information through, "...interactive, collaborative and multimedia web-based technologies..."(Maness, 2006).

Discussion on what constitutes the basic elements of Library 2.0 has led to four important aspects being pinpointed. (Maness,2006)
  • User-centred- allowing users the flexibility to manage their individual information needs through customization, and participation in content creation, and resource sharing
  • Cross platform multi media options which enrich the user experience and give the opportunity to extend resource discovery and use beyond traditional library applications
  • Encourages participation and innovation in communication creating a continually expanding, socially rich culture
  • Responsive to changes , both technological and societal through the virtual library being more accessible- giving patrons a sense of ownership, and utilising and capitalising on expertise from both staff and users alike
Many of the technologies which drive these changes in the online environment are already in use in libraries: real time messaging, streaming media, blogs, wikis and rss feeds are common features of a collaborative web experience. The task for librarians now is to use existing technology to create an online environment which is able to capitalise on new developments as they occur,and thus position the library as the preferred option for information needs.

Michael Casey who is credited with first using the term in a web blog in 2004, has suggested that, "Library 2.0 could revitalize the way we serve and interact with our customers." (Casey & Savastinuk, 2006, para. 2).

Casey, M., & Savastinuk, l.(2006).
Library 2.0 Service for the next-generation library. Library Journal, 9/1/2006. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from

Maness, J. (2006).
Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries. Webology, 3(2). Retrieved September 5, 2007, from

O'Reilly,T. (2005). What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.
Retrieved September 6, 2007, from